Bible Study Videos

Below are the links to the full-length video recordings of our Monday Evening Bible Study classes. We update them regularly, but you can join us LIVE on Facebook or YouTube every Monday evening at 7:00pm. You can even participate with comments and/or questions (as long as they are courteous and on the topic for that evening) by using our Conference Call Bridgeline or using Zoom.

NOTE: On March 6, 2023, we began an additional “NOONDAY” Bible Study class.  It’s broadcasted LIVE every Monday at 12noon.  Feel free to join us!  To watch those video services, CLICK HERE, or go to our Facebook or YouTube pages.

March 24, 2025: The Book of James 1:5-8

March 17, 2025: The Book of James 1:1-4

March 10, 2025: The Life and Times of Joshua 24:1- Judges 2:16

March 3, 2025: The Life and Times of Joshua (23:1-16)

February 24, 2025:  The Life and Times of Joshua (22:10-34)

February 10, 2025  The Life and Times of Joshua (15:16-22:9)

February 3, 2025  The Life and Times of Joshua (10:1-14:15)

January 27, 2025  The Life and Times of Joshua (8:3-9:27)

January 13, 2025:  The Life and Times of Joshua (8:1-2)

January 6, 2025:  The Life and Times of Joshua (7:1-26)

December 23, 2024:  The Life and Times of Joshua (5:10-6:27)

December 16, 2024:  The Life and Times of Joshua (2:21-5:12)

December 9, 2024:  The Life and Times of Joshua (2:1-20)

December 2, 2024:  The Life and Times of Joshua (1:1-18)

November 18, 2024:  Intro to The Life and Times of Joshua

November 11, 2024:  The Book of Numbers 35:29-36:13

November 4, 2024:  The Book of Numbers 33:50-56; 34:13-15; 35:1-28

October 28, 2024:  The Book of Numbers 31:1-32:33 

October 21, 2024:  The Book of Numbers 27:15-30:16 

October 7, 2024:  The Book of Numbers 27:12-14

September 30, 2024:  The Book of Numbers 26:1-27:11

September 23, 2024:  The Book of Numbers 23:27-25:18

September 16, 2024:  The Book of Numbers 21:10-23:26

September 9, 2024: The Book of Numbers 21:1-9

August 19, 2024: The Book of Numbers 16:41-18:9

August 12, 2024:  The Book of Numbers 15:1-16:40

August 5, 2024:   The Book of Numbers 14:11-45

July 29, 2024:  The Book of Numbers 11:1-14:10

July 15, 2024:   The Book of Numbers 1:1-11:15

July 8, 2024:  “The Insights of Agur (Proverb 30)”

July 1, 2024:  “Involved vs. Committed”

June 24, 2024:  “The Life and Times of Noah – Part III”

June 17, 2024:  “The Life and Times of Noah – Part II”

June 10, 2024:  “The Life and Times of Noah – Part I”

May 20, 2024:  “The Ministry of the Prophet Jeremiah – Part II”

May 13, 2024:  “The Ministry of the Prophet Jeremiah – Part I”

April 29, 2024:  Introduction to the Prophet Jeremiah??? (gifts and talents)

April 22, 2024:  “This Can’t Be GOD!”

April 15, 2024:  “11 Tips for Conquering Anxiety and Depression – Part II”

April 8, 2024:  “11 Tips for Conquering Anxiety and Depression – Part I”

April 1, 2024:   “Are You Driven or Are You Led?”

March 25, 2024:  “What Happened During Holy Week?”

March 18, 2024:  “A Look at Job’s Friends – Part II”

March 11, 2024:  “A Look at Job’s Friends – Part I”

March 4, 2024:  “A Study of the Prophet Daniel – Part V”

February 26, 2024:  “A Study of the Prophet Daniel – Part IV”

February 12, 2024:  “A Study of the Prophet Daniel – Part III”

February 5, 2024:  “A Study of the Prophet Daniel – Part II”

January 29, 2024:  “A Study of the Prophet Daniel – Part I”

January 22, 2024:  “The Book of Ruth – Part III”

January 15, 2024:  “The Book of Ruth – Part II”

January 8, 2024:  “The Book of Ruth – Part I”

December 18, 2023:  “Solomon, The Wise Fool – Part IV”

December 11, 2023:  “Solomon, The Wise Fool – Part III”

December 4, 2023:  “Solomon, The Wise Fool – Part II”

November 27, 2023:  “Solomon, The Wise Fool – Part I”

November 20, 2023:  Psalms 62

November 13, 2023:  Things You Don’t Expect From GOD

November 6, 2023:  Dispel the Myths: Myth #18: He (GOD) doesn’t put on us more than we can bear

October 30, 2023:  Dispel the Myths: Myth #17: Sunday is the “Sabbath”

October 23, 2023:  Dispel the Myths: Myth #16: GOD has a “perfect will” and a “permissive will”

October 9, 2023:  Dispel the Myths: Myth #14: GOD has no hands/feet/tongue except ours…; Myth #15: GOD’s love us unconditional

October 2, 2023:  Dispel the Myths: Myth #13: Part II – Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses & Seventh Day Adventists are NOT a part of the body of Christ

September 25, 2023:  Dispel the Myths: Myth #9: What He (GOD) has done for others, He’ll do THE SAME THING for you; Myth #10: You’re next in line for a miracle; Myth #11: Wearing purple shirts are for bishops only; Myth #12: Come as you are; Myth #13: Part I – Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses & Seventh Day Adventists are NOT a part of the body of Christ

September 18, 2023:  Dispel the Myths: Myth #8: You Can Lose Your Salvation

September 11, 2023:  Dispel the Myths: Myth #6: Part III – We (GODs children) have freedom of choice/free will;  Myth #7: GOD is too merciful to allow anyone to go to hell 

August 28, 2023:  Dispel the Myths: Review of Myths #1-5; Myth #6: Part II – We (GODs children) have freedom of choice/free will

August 21, 2023:  Dispel The Myths: Review of Myths #1-4;  Myth #5: We are “ALL” GOD’s children;  Myth #6: Part I – We (GODs children) have freedom of choice/free will

August 7, 2023:  Dispel The Myths: Myth #1: Salvation is “FREE”;  Myth #2: When the praises go up, then blessings come down;  Myth #3: Prayer changes thing;  Myth #4: Don’t pray “out loud” and When you pray, “moan” so the devil won’t know what you’re saying

July 31, 2023:  APPENDIX TO “Do You Really Want To Grow Closer To the Lord” (Preached July 30, 2023)

July 24, 2023:  The Life and Times of King Josiah (Part II)  2 Chron 34:20

July 17, 2023:  2 Chron 33:20  The life and Times of King Amon and King Josiah (Part I)

July 10, 2023:  2 Chron 32:24  The Life and Times of King Hezekiah (Part III) and King Manasseh

July 3, 2023:  2 Chron 32: The Life and Times of King Hezekiah (Part II) 

June 26, 2023:  79) Why do we need to know GOD’s word?;  2 Chron 27: The Life and Times of King Jotham, King Ahaz and King Hezekiah (Part I)

June 12, 2023:  78) Do we have “free will”?

June 5, 2023:  72) How does a person blaspheme the Holy Spirit?  65b) Part II – Are there levels of blasphemy (RECAP)?  71b) Did Jesus commit suicide (RECAP)?  73) How did the Bible get its name?  74) Did GOD create more people after Adam and Eve?  75) Where did other people come from (Cain’s wife, etc.)?  76) If GOD created us, does it say how HE created our hair, teeth, mouth, nose, arms, legs, and our bones…?  77) GOD has no end, but was there a beginning?

May 22, 2023:  64) What is blasphemy?  65a) Part I – Are there levels of blasphemy?  66) What is the “unforgivable” sin?  67) What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?  68) Is homosexuality an “unforgivable” sin?  69) Is suicide an “unforgivable” sin?  70) Did Samson commit suicide?  71a) Did Jesus commit suicide?

May 8, 2023:  59) Why are we (Christians) tempted?  60) Why can’t we stop sinning? / Why can’t we live sinless?  61) Why is it so hard to break bad habits? / Do we need prayer to help?  62) What is adultery and fornication?  63) We know Jesus wasn’t “willing” to sin, but did He have the “ability” to sin? / Was He capable of sinning? / Did He “chose” not to sin? (Part I)

May 1, 2023:  54) Can a Christian lose their salvation?  55) Are we “Once saved, always saved?”  56) If believing is work and I stop believing, have I lost my salvation?  57) Can a Christian commit suicide?  58) Will there be any murderers, child molesters and/or rapist in Heaven?

April 24, 2023:  48b) Part II – How do we obtain salvation in the first place?  49) How do we lead someone to Jesus?  50) How do I KNOW I’m saved?  51) Understanding that we don’t KNOW, how can we know that we are saved?  52) How do we KNOW that we are forgiven of our trespasses?  53) What happens to a cremated persons’ soul?

April 17, 2023:  48a) Part I – How do we obtain salvation in the first place?

April 10, 2023:  43) Does all creation bear GODs autograph?  44) Why did GOD create bad/evil?  45) Why did GOD create the devil?  46) Why does GOD say “Yes” to satan and allow him to hurt us?  47) If GOD created satan to be evil, is HE (GOD) evil?

April 3, 2023:  37) Who are the “True” worshippers?  38) How can we build our faith daily?  39) How do I show forth my faith in Christ to the world?  40) Is there life on other planets?  41) How do you KNOW when GOD is talking to you?  42) How can we KNOW the will of GOD?

March 27, 2023:  28b) Part II – How do you KNOW when you receive the Holy Ghost?  33) How do we avoid “quenching the Spirit”?  34) How do you know when you are moving by the Holy Spirit?  35) Speaking in tongues: Do we need to speak in tongues?  36) Why is there no “red lettering” in the Old Testament?

March 20, 2023:  30) Is the month of “April” significant?  31) Is gambling a sin?  32) Why did GOD elect not to reveal the younger years of Jesus’ life in the Bible? 

March 13, 2023:  26) Why doesn’t everyone understand GODs word?  27) What is the Holy Ghost?  28a) Part I – How do you KNOW when you receive the Holy Ghost?  29) Explanation of the Holy Trinity.  What does it consist of?

March 6, 2023:  24) What does it mean to “Backslide”?  25) Can a Christian Backslide?

February 27, 2023:  21) Are there different “religions” because GOD revealed Himself to different people in different ways?  22) What do angels look like?  23) Does GOD always answer everyone’s prayers or just sometimes?

February 13, 2023:  20b) Part II – What “exactly” happens when we die?  (Part II)

February 6, 2023:  20a) Part I – What “exactly” happens when we die?

January 30, 2023:  13) How does GOD fix everything?  14) Is GOD big, big, big (physically)  15) Why doesn’t GOD sleep?  16) Is GOD magic?  17) Where is heaven?  18) When pets die do they go to heaven/hell?  19) Is there anything wrong with people believing in things like “pet heaven” or “dead loved ones are watching over them”, etc.?

January 23, 2023:  7) Why do children misbehave?  8) Was Jesus really born on December 25th?   9) Does GOD have regrets?  10) Why does GOD get so mad when HE already knows what man is going to do?  11) What is GOD’s real name?  12) Why doesn’t the Bible use GOD’s name (JEHOVAH) more often?

January 16, 2023:  2) Did GOD create Himself?   3) Why does GOD let bad things happen to good people?  4) Why am I always broke?  5) Why doesn’t GOD bring good people back to life?   6) GOD uses different definitions than man.

January 9, 2023:  Intro to Biblical Answers to Various Questions  1) Can GOD make a rock that HE can’t lift?

December 26, 2022:  “Justifiable Sin – APPENDIX”

December 12, 2022: “The Old Testament Shadow of Grace”

December 5, 2022:  “A Look (in Leviticus) at Some of the OTHER Commandments – Part V”

November 28, 2022:  “The Detailed Making and Completion of the MOBILE Tabernacle”

November 21, 2022:  “A Look at Some of the OTHER Commandments – Part IV”

November 14, 2022:  “GOD Vows to Moses and GOD Only Has One Will…and it’s perfect!”

November 7, 2022:  “The Sin and Repercussions of Worshipping the Golden Calf”

October 31, 2022:  “A Look at Some of the OTHER Commandments – Part III”

October 24, 2022:  “A Look at Some of the OTHER Commandments – Part II”

October 10, 2022:  “A Look at Some of the OTHER Commandments – Part I”

October 3, 2022:  “Understanding the Events Surrounding the Ten Commandments”

September 26, 2022:  “GODs People Do Not Sin IN THEIR SPIRIT”

September 19, 2022:  “Jethro’s Advice and Israel Makes it to Mount Sinai”

September 12, 2022:  “Israel Complains Even After Deliverance from Pharoah”

August 29, 2022:  “Pharoah’s Final Defeat at the Red Sea”

August 22, 2022:  “Pharoah finally submits, but…”

August 15, 2022:  “GOD Hardened Pharaoh’s Heart…not satan!”

August 8, 2022:  “Sometimes The Little Things Make the Big Impression”

July 25, 2022:   “Moses’ First Visit to Pharoah”

July 18, 2022:   “Why GOD sought to kill Moses”  (Part I)   (Part II)

June 27, 2022:   “Moses Was Just a Man”

June 20, 2022:   “Don’t Rely on the Movies!”  (Part I)   (Part II)

June 13, 2022:  “Exodus”   (Part I)    (Part II)

June 6, 2022:  “Joseph FINALLY Forgives…and dies”

May 23, 2022:  “Jacob’s Final Words to His Sons”

May 16, 2022:  “Imagine Being Thankful for Having Nothing”

May 2, 2022:  “Jacob Misunderstands GOD’s Promise”

April 25, 2022:  “The Aggravation Factor”

April 18, 2022:  “How Deep is Your Hate?”

April 11, 2022:  “Always HATE the Sin, but LOVE the Sinner!”

April 4, 2022:  “Three Tips To Keep Your Spirit Lifted”

March 28, 2022: “Jesus Know AND FEELS our Pain!”

March 21, 2022:   “Joseph’s Valley Experience Begins”

March 14, 2022:  “Though GOD USES Our Sins, He’s Never PLEASED With Our Sins”

March 7, 2022:  “One Bad Choice Kills All The Men in Town”

February 28, 2022:  “Jacob Reconnects With Esau After 20 Years”

February 14, 2022:  “Getting Past The Moment (of grief, etc.)”

February 7, 2022:  “Everybody’s Spinning”

January 31, 2022:  “Baby Mama Drama”

January 24, 2022:  “Jacob’s Trickery Is Matched By Laban’s”

January 10, 2022:  “Though We Do Our Best, We Can Still Be Deceived”

January 3, 2022:  “Jacob’s Treachery and Esau’s Integrity!”

Watch Night Service 2021:  “Start The New Year With Heart Burn”

December 20, 2021:  “Signs Are Great, But They’re Not Enough”

December 13, 2021:  “Amazing Faith”

December 6, 2021:  “Work With What You Got” (APPENDIX)

November 29, 2021:  “The Influences of a Negative Environment”

November 22, 2021:  “Prophets and Prophecy”

November 15, 2021:  “Sarai Gets Empowered; Grown Men Get Circumcised”

November 8, 2021:  “The Wife’s Role…according to GOD!”

November 1, 2021:  “Abram’s Faith and GOD’s Love”   (Part I)     (PartII)

October 25, 2021:  “Ignorance of the Law is No Excuse”

October 18, 2021:  “Applying Grace to the Law”

October 4, 2021:  “Noah Curses His Son; and The Building of Babel”

September 27, 2021:  “The Flood, The Dove, The Rainbow”

September 20, 2021:  “Noah’s Connection to Jesus”

September 13, 2021:  “Cain’s Killing of Abel”

August 30, 2021:   “The Fall of Man” – Part III 

August 23, 2021:  “The Fall of Man” – Part II

August 16, 2021:  “The Fall of Man” – Part I

August 9, 2021:  “Earth’s Renovation” – Part III

August 2, 2021:  “Earth’s Renovation” – Part II

July 26, 2021:  “Earth’s Renovation” – Part I

July 19, 2021:  “In The Beginning” – Part V

July 12, 2021:  “In The Beginning” – Part IV

July 5, 2021:  “In The Beginning” Part III

June 28, 2021:  “In The Beginning” – Part II

June 28, 2021:  Jezebel and Elisha’s Death AND “In The Beginning” – Part I

June 21, 2021:  “NATURAL Problems Can Be Solved By SPIRITUAL People”

June 14, 2021:  “Was It Really Worth It?”

June 7, 2021:  “Prophecies and Miracles of Elisha”

May 24, 2021:  “Elisha Replaces Elijah and Curses Some Kids”

May 17, 2021:  Clarity on Ahaziah, Jehoram (of Israel),  Jehoram (of Judah)

May 10, 2021:  “Ahab’s Death” & The Appendix to “The Worst Mother Ever!”

April 26, 2021:  “Naboth Killed and Ahab Humbled?”

April 19, 2021:  “King Ahab’s Condemnation & Rev. Guy’s Humiliation”

April 12, 2021:  “The Prophet Elijah Runs Scared and Elisha is Introduced”

April 4, 2021:   “Elijah Confronts Ahab’s Prophets”

March 29, 2021:  “Introducing Elijah”

March 22, 2021:  “Israel and Judah Become Separate Nations”

March  15, 2021:  “Solomon’s Vice and Its Results” 

March 8, 2021:  “Solomon Blessed With Wisdom”

March 1, 2021:  “Solomon Cleans House”

February 22, 2021:  “Adonijah’s PEACEFUL Coup”

February 8, 2021:  “Seeing Mercy Through God’s Eyes”

February 1, 2021  “Was David Insensitive or Just Old?”

January 25, 2021:  “Joab The Killer”  (Part I)   (Part II)

January 11, 2021:  “Without Courage, Wisdom Bears No Fruit”

January 4, 2021:  “David Dishonors His Soldiers”

December 28, 2020:  “Ahithophel Thinks Too Highly of Himself”

December 21, 2020:  “Absolam’s Response to Tamar’s Rape”

December 14, 2020:   “David’s Response to Tamar’s Rape”

December 7, 2020:   “Did Uriah Love Right?”

November 30, 2020:   “Israel United Under David”

November 23, 2020:  “Unity…and division…in David’s First Year as King”

November 16, 2020:  “Saul & David’s Parallel Problems”

November 9, 2020:  “David Spares Nabal and Fools Achish”

November 2, 2020:  “David Delivers and is Delivered”

October 26, 2020:  “Rage Rules King Saul”

October 19, 2020:  “God Orchestrates David’s Rise”

October 12, 2020:  “King Saul Goes Too Far”

October 5, 2020:  “King Saul Steps Out of His Lane”

September 28, 2020:  “The Introduction of Saul (Israel’s First King)”

September 21, 2020:  “How Israel and Judah Became Separate Nations”

September 14, 2020:  “Reconciling The 12 Tribes” & What is a “BLESSING”

August 31, 2020:  “Solomon’s Sarcasm or Humility”

August 17, 2020:  “I Love You Lord, But…”

August 10, 2020:  “Salvation: The Truth and The Myth”

August 3, 2020:  “Works of the Law vs. Works of Faith”

July 27, 2020:  “Paul’s Weakness…”

July 20, 2020:  “Issues of the Church at Corinth – Part II”

July 13, 2020:  “Issues of the Church at Corinth – Part I”

July 6, 2020:  “Paul The Apostle – Part II”

June 29, 2020:  “Paul The Apostle – Part I”

June 22, 2020:  “The Book of Esther” Chapters 6 – 10

June 15, 2020:  “The Book of Esther” Chapters 4 & 5

June 8, 2020:  “The Book of Esther” Chapters 2 & 3

June 1, 2020:  “The Book of Esther” Chapter 1

May 25, 2020:  “Christians Are Not Doormats”

May 18, 2020:  “Misdirected Anger”

May 11, 2020:  “The Judge, The Prophetess and The Prophecy”

May 4, 2020:  “How NOT To Believe!”

April 27, 2020:  “GOD, YOU need ME!”

April 20, 2020:  “A Miracle to ME May Not Be A Miracle to YOU”

April 13, 2020:  “How NOT To Forgive”

April 6, 2020:  “Some things Just Don’t Matter”

March 30, 2020:  “We’re Not Jews, But We Are Jew-ISH!”

March 23, 2020:  “Satan Didn’t Do This!”

March 16, 2020:  “Love” vs “In Love” 

March 9, 2020:  “Falling On The Sword”

March 2, 2020:  “Old Testament Offering Laws”

February 24, 2020:  “How We Get The Holy Ghost” 

February 10, 2020:  “The Ultimate Adoption”

February 3, 2020:  “Obedience Over Everything”

January 27, 2020:  “Stupid, Stupider, Stupidest!”

January 13, 2020:  “Hoarding”

January 6, 2020:  Appendix to “First Things First”

December 16, 2019:  “It’s Not An Absolute If There’s One Exception”

December 9, 2019:  “What Would You Do?”   (Part I)     (Part II)

December 2, 2019:  1 Kings 1 & 2    (Part I)     (Part II)

November 18, 2019:  “Different Tactics For Different Situations”

November 11, 2019:  “Stay In Your Lane?”

November 4, 2019:   “Listen to God”

October 28, 2019:  “Apostles, Pastors and Evangelists”

October 14, 2019:  “Let Us Be Going?”

September 30, 2019:  “No Right Answer”

September 23, 2019:  God’s Definitions (Lost, Blasphamy, God’s Children)

September 9, 2019: All Of Our Good Come From The Lord

August 26, 2019:  “Though We Sin, We Don’t Have To Be Evil!”

August 19, 2019:  “To The Sincere of Heart”

August 5, 2019:  “The Importance of an Intercessor”

July 29, 2019:  Luke 10

July 22, 2019:  A Brief Study of Job

July 15, 2019:  Judah & Tamar (Gen 38:1-30)

July 8, 2019:  “We’re Hedged In”

July 1, 2019:  Those in authority are placed there by God

June 24, 2019:  1 Samuel 2:12-36

June 17, 2019:  “Customized Sin”

June 10, 2019:  “Is Death Bed Salvation Valid?”

June 3, 2019:  “Arrogant Impatience”

May 20, 2019:  The Life & Times of King Asa

May 13, 2019:  The outcome does NOT determine if we were lead by God…

May 6, 2019:2 Samuel 21:1-14; 1 Samuel 14:49-50, 18:17-21; 2 Samuel 6:12-23

April 29, 2019:  A Review of the Christian Essentials

April 22, 2019:  John 21:1-22

April 15, 2019:  “How to Avoid a Close Second”

April 8, 2019:  “Enjoy the Journey!”

April 1, 2019:  Questions and Answers

March 18, 2019:  “A Heart of Compassion” 

March 11, 2019:  Did God Want Us to be Vegetarians/Vegans?

March 4, 2019:  Why a 5 Month Journey Took 40 Years.

February 25, 2019:  John 5:1-4

February 11, 2019:  1 Samuel 10:22-12:25

February 4, 2019:   2 Samuel 13:1-39     (Part I)     (Part lI)

January 28, 2019:  Gen 12:10-20; 20:1-18 All Because of Faithlessness 

January 14, 2019:   Young Samuel     (Part I)     (Part II)

January 7, 2019:  1 Samuel 1:1-4:18     (Part I)    (Part II)

December 17, 2018:  “The Christmas Story”

December 10, 2018:  “How To Avoid Undue Praise”   (Part I)    (Part II)

December 3, 2018:  “Elisha’s Beginnings”

November 26, 2018:  “Mind Your Character”

November 19, 2018:  “Passing Through The Eye of the Needle”

November 12, 2018:  “Difficult Truths and Believable Lies (Appendix)”

November 5, 2018:  “Managing Lust (Physical)”

October 29, 2018:  “Demon Possession / Man’s ‘Free’ Will”

October 22, 2018:  “Understanding The Three Categories of Scripture”

October 8, 2018:  “A Look at Nicodemus / Things God Can’t Do”

October 1, 2018:  “Odd Requests from God”

September 24, 2018:  “When You Don’t Know What To Do…”

September 17, 2018:  “The Conversion of Saul (Encouragement to us)”